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Samovar tea maker Odessa III with 200g samovar tea

Product information "Samovar tea maker Odessa III with 200g samovar tea"

The Odessa samovar with its capacity and overall performance proves its strengths in continuous daily use. This samovar is a tasteful centrepiece in your breakfast room, restaurant or at your event. Maximum energy efficiency thanks to the automatic switch-off of the two heating coils when the water reaches boiling point. Depending on the temperature setting, the water can also be kept just hot or warm without hardly evaporating. If you want to bring it back to the boil, it only takes a few seconds to a few minutes, depending on the contents. The model impresses with its compact product dimensions and full power. Whether integrated limescale and particle filter, infinitely adjustable thermostat or dry-running protection, convenience takes centre stage here. Accordingly, the BEEM Odessa samovar - 3 litres naturally also scores highly in terms of energy efficiency - for sustainable enjoyment with the added convenience of 200g of high-quality samovar tea from Ronnefeldt as part of the special offer.

Fassungsvermögen: 3 Liter

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Informationen zur Produktsicherheit

Land: Deutschland
Hersteller: BEEM GmbH - Jakob-Kaiser-Str. 12 - 47877 Willich - Deutschland -
Verantwortliche Person: Rüdiger Grommes - BEEM GmbH - Jakob-Kaiser-Str. 12 - 47877 Willich - Deutschland
Vorgesehende Verwendung: für das Erhitzen von Wasser und die Zubereitung von Tee.
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Konformität: dieses Produkt entspricht der EU-Produktsicherheitsverordnung und hat  das europäische EC-Prüfkennzeichen.